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Lakendra Lanier
James Dominique 
Nell Charles
Kartia Philogene
Rose Blot
Dariot Pompilus
Lyonel Gerdes
Mammonne Onelien
Diane Loubeau
Jean Robert Bertrand
Bernadette Pierre
Deland Innocent
Dr. Josee Gregoire
Dr. Emma Caris-Francois
Sabine Duval
Mervilus Israel
Deborah Darbonne
Michael McDearmaid
Scott Galvin
Sklouchere Pierre
Magda Prophete
Jason Glasford
Myriam Walker Stewart
Yverose Midy-Placide

Yverose Midy-Placide
Marie Ocean
Marie T. Viard
Claudette Barrett
James Bertrand
Danielle Boyer
Krystel Armand
Dinah Gay-Dorvil
Michelle Veliac
Sebastian Dauphin
Guerda Theodore
Dr. John Pace
Carl Nicoleau 
Kathia Mathurin
Ricardo Merius
Jemima Alteme
Rolney Duverny
Yves Polynice
Withza Laurin-Nibs
Patricia Baptiste-Estiverme
Rosie Andre
Vanessa Baker
Nancy Graham Guerrier
Andres St Cyr
Vanessa Joseph
Eveline Joseph 

2022-2023 MEMBERS

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